Our advanced tactical courses all have the same goal – provide the highest quality and most advanced tactical training available in South Africa.
The proficiency training course for tactical purposes is an advanced-level course specifically for persons who have already completed the proficiency training for business purposes and who use firearms in a work-related environment or for advanced civil home/family protection. This course focuses on the use of firearms in high-risk situations and under extreme stress. One needs to be in reasonably good physical condition to enroll on this course. This course will teach you how to win a gun fight. You will require 400 rounds of ammunition for this course.
All business purpose courses are PFTC and SASSETA accredited and are intended to give persons a higher level of training.
Western Province Firearms Training School utilizes a variety of progressive instructional techniques for all of our classes, including classroom discussion, video presentations, simulations, and hands-on experience. Small class sizes will give you extra one-on-one time with instructors and classes for different skill levels will encourage a comfortable learning atmosphere.
By completing any of the courses offered, you will become competent in the use and disciplines of firearms for tactical use. A competency certificate is issued to successful candidates and these are recognized by the SAPS as an accredited training provider certificate. You are also issued a Statement of Results from the PFTC. These certificates are a requirement from the SAPS to be issued with a SAPS Competency Certificate to possess a firearm and also a prerequisite for the application for a firearm licence.
Please note that you must have already completed the proficiency course for business purposes before you can complete the tactical purposes course.
Upon payment we will supply the necessary training manuals in order for you to complete the theoretical work contained therein. This involves homework in the form of an open-book test on the handle & use of the chosen firearm’s unit standard for business purposes.
When you return this homework, an appointment will be scheduled for the proficiency exam.
On the day you will have to complete a closed-book test and then, on successful completion, you will receive the practical firearm training.
All firearms training and competency certification is conducted by an experienced firearms enthusiast and SASSETA qualified Advanced Tactical Firearms Training Instructor, Firearms Training Councilor and Master Assessor.
Instructor and Assessor in charge of training for City Guns.
Current chairman, committee member, past committee member, past chairman, and president of various shooting organizations and associations. Past vice president of an international shooting union. Current member, life member and honorary life member of a number of shooting associations and shooting clubs. WP record holder in metallic silhouette shooting. WP provincial colours in two shooting disciplines. Awarded national colours three times. National team member and national team manager
123510 Apply Tactical Knowledge in the use of Firearms
This course is for all civilians as well as Security Officers, the SAPS, State Departments or the SANDF who wish to further their knowledge and use of firearms at the highest level be it on the range, in the home or in a Law Enforcement Tactical environment. This course is a prerequisite for all Advanced Tactical Training.
Required Completed Courses :
Demonstrate knowledge of the Firearms Control Act (Act No. 60 of 2000) applicable to possessing a firearm.
Handle and use a handgun
Handle and use a handgun for business use
123513 Demonstrate Tactical Proficiency with a Handgun
This course is not for beginners!
This course focuses on the use of firearms in high risk situations and under extreme stress. One needs to be in reasonably good physical condition to enroll on this course. This course will give you the techniques and mental preparation to survive a gun fight. You will require 400 rounds of ammunition for this course.
Required Completed Courses :
Demonstrate knowledge of the Firearms Control Act (Act No. 60 of 2000) applicable to possessing a firearm.
Handle and use a handgun
Handle and use a handgun for business purposes
Apply Tactical Knowledge in the use of Firearms
123514 Handle and use a Shotgun for Tactical Purposes
This course is not for beginners!
This course focuses on the use of firearms in high risk situations and under extreme stress. One needs to be in reasonably good physical condition to enroll on this course. This course will give you the techniques and mental preparation to survive a gun fight. You will require 200 rounds of ammunition for this course.
Required Completed Courses :
Demonstrate knowledge of the Firearms Control Act (Act No. 60 of 2000) applicable to possessing a firearm.
Handle and use a shotgun
Handle and use a shotgun for business purposes
Apply Tactical Knowledge in the use of Firearms
123518 Demonstrate Tactical Proficiency with a Self-Loading Rifle or Carbine
This course is not for beginners!
This course focuses on the use of firearms in high risk situations and under extreme stress. One needs to be in reasonably good physical condition to enroll on this course. This course will give you the techniques and mental preparation to survive a gun fight. You will require 400 rounds of ammunition for the course.
Required Completed Courses :
Demonstrate knowledge of the Firearms Control Act (Act No. 60 of 2000) applicable to possessing a firearm.
Handle and use a self-loading rifle or carbine.
Handle and use a self-loading rifle or carbine for business purposes.
Apply tactical knowledge in the use of firearms.