Muzzle-loader or Black Powder firearms remain popular amongst collectors, firearm historians and enthusiasts. This unit standard covers the legalities around licensing the powder, the muzzle-loader firearm itself, the parts & functions of the different disciplines, the loading and unloading, ammunition and the maintenance and cleaning of the firearm. In most instances the course facilitator will provide the muzzle-loader firearms used on the course, as well as the powder and propellant.
This unit standard covers muzzle-loading and black powder handguns and rifles. Learners completing this unit standard may apply for a black powder permit to purchase and store black powder for use in muzzle-loading firearms.
All firearms training and competency certification is conducted by an experienced firearms enthusiast and SASSETA qualified Advanced Tactical Firearms Training Instructor, Firearms Training Councilor and Master Assessor.
Instructor and Assessor in charge of training for City Guns.
Current chairman, committee member, past committee member, past chairman, and president of various shooting organizations and associations. Past vice president of an international shooting union. Current member, life member and honorary life member of a number of shooting associations and shooting clubs. WP record holder in metallic silhouette shooting. WP provincial colours in two shooting disciplines. Awarded national colours three times. National team member and national team manager
This unit standard is for persons who use or wish to be declared competent in the use of a muzzle-loading firearm and or who requires a competency certificate in terms of current legislation. It will enable persons to handle and shoot muzzle-loading firearms safely and in line with current legal prescripts. This unit standard will not only enable persons to prove competency in line with legal prescripts but will also give them the necessary competencies to use such a firearm.
Persons credited with this unit standard will be able to:
- Handle black powder.
- Handle a muzzle-loading firearm.
- Use a muzzle-loading firearm.
- Carry out elementary inspection and maintenance of a muzzle-loading firearm for safe use.
Requires Completion of Unit : 117705
Demonstrate knowledge of the Firearms Control Act (Act No. 60 of 2000) applicable to possessing a firearm.